The Powder Keg

Geopolitical Tours

Geopolitical Tours

Visiting Israel as a tourist means that you will sooner or later be confronted with questions regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Most visitors have their own ideas about what the issues in this conflict are, and what the perfect solution to the problems of this region looks like. But what makes us think that we are experts when it comes to the issues of the Middle East? Do we even get the full picture of what goes on here by watching the news from the comfort of our living rooms abroad? My Geopolitical Tours will take you out of your comfort zone and confront you with the facts on the ground. My aim is to present to you the reality, as it is perceived on either side of the conflict. On these tours we will take a closer look at the hotspots that constantly appear on the news. We will speak with people on the ground in order to understand how they are impacted by the situation. We will try to understand what it means to be living with this constant conflict.




I am very proud to have been awarded the Travelers‘ Choice Award 2023 by Tripadvisor. This desired award honors providers in the tourism industry, who have continuously received excellent reviews throughout the last year and who thus belong to the top 10% of best providers worldwide.

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